Fall 2019 First Findings from a National Study of AIAN Head Start Programs: What Can We Learn and How Can We Use the Data in Our Work?

Dec 09, 2020 5:00 - 5:00 a.m.

The American Indian and Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES 2019) was designed and implemented through a partnership of Region XI AI/AN Head Start leaders, researchers, and federal officials. AI/AN FACES 2019 is a national study of Region XI Head Start children and families. The study was conducted with 22 Region XI Head Start programs during the 2019-2020 program year. This webinar is the first of a series on findings from the second round of AI/AN FACES (first done in 2015). The webinar provides a preview of first findings from fall 2019, information on how programs can use data from the study, and the perspectives of the Office of Head Start Region XI Regional Program Manager and a Region XI Head Start program director on the data. Read more about this webinar and watch the recording here.

Presenters included:

Michelle Sarche, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Lizabeth Malone, Researcher, Mathematica

Sara Bernstein, Senior Researcher, Mathematica

Laura McKechnie, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe Head Start