Water-to-Market Evaluation Plan Design Report (Memo)

Water-to-Market Evaluation Plan Design Report (Memo)

Published: Mar 04, 2008
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Armenia: Impact Evaluation of Irrigation Infrastructure, Roads, and Farmer Training

Time frame: 2011-2014

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Ken Fortson

Anu Rangarajan

The Millennium Challenge Account with Armenia (MCA) aims to increase household income and reduce poverty in rural Armenia through improved performance of the country’s agricultural sector. Armenia plans to achieve this goal through an integrated, nationwide initiative to improve major components of the rural infrastructure, with a focus on lifeline roads and the irrigation system, including improvements in water management. By improving living standards among rural residents, these investments can in turn lead to future economic growth in rural areas and throughout the country as a whole.

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