Program Error in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Findings from the Second Access, Participation, Eligibility and Certification Study (APEC II). Volume 2: Appendices

Program Error in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Findings from the Second Access, Participation, Eligibility and Certification Study (APEC II). Volume 2: Appendices

Published: May 04, 2015
Publisher: Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support


Associated Project

Estimating Improper Payments for School Meal Programs: Access, Participation, Eligibility, and Certification II (APEC)

Time frame: 2011-2016

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service




Judith Cannon

Dallas Dotter

Esa Eslami

John Hall

Alicia Leonard

Michael Ponza

Emily Weaver

Mustafa Karakus

Roline Milfort

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