Transforming Teachers' Practice: The Impact of EL Education's English Language Arts Curriculum and Professional Learning on Teacher Practices

Transforming Teachers' Practice: The Impact of EL Education's English Language Arts Curriculum and Professional Learning on Teacher Practices

Published: Oct 30, 2017
Publisher: Oakland, CA: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

EL Education Schools and Teacher Professional Development

Time frame: 2013-2019

Prepared for:

EL Education


The widespread adoption of more rigorous state guidelines for student learning, such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), has led to tremendous interest in how best to prepare and develop teachers to foster the skills that students need to meet the new standards and succeed in college and careers. A promising pathway is to combine quality curriculum and professional learning so that teachers’ instructional practices are directly aligned with the content they are teaching. While the emerging research suggests the need to integrate teachers’ knowledge and skill development with instructional materials, further evidence is necessary to support the effectiveness of such an approach.

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