The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Interim Report on West Virginia Youth Works

The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Interim Report on West Virginia Youth Works

Published: Dec 03, 2012
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research
Associated Project

Youth Transition Demonstration: Helping Youth with Disabilities Become Employed

Time frame: 2005-2014

Prepared for:

Social Security Administration


Arif Mamun

Michelle Manno

John Martinez

Debbie Reed

Allison Thompkins

David Wittenburg

In this report, we present first-year evaluation findings for West Virginia Youth Works, which served youth ages 15 through 25 who were Social Security disability beneficiaries. While it will take several more years before we fully observe the transitions that the participants in this study make to adult life, early data from the evaluation provide rich information on how Youth Works operated and the differences it made in key outcomes for youth. Specifically, the report includes findings from our process analysis of Youth Works, including a description of the program model, and documentation of how the project was implemented and services were delivered. The report also includes impact findings, based on data collected 12 months after youth entered the evaluation, on the use of services, paid employment, educational progress, income from earnings and benefits, and attitudes and expectations.

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