The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Interim Report on Transition WORKS

The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Interim Report on Transition WORKS

Published: Feb 22, 2011
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research
Associated Project

Youth Transition Demonstration: Helping Youth with Disabilities Become Employed

Time frame: 2005-2014

Prepared for:

Social Security Administration


Alison Black

Arif Mamun

Michelle Manno

John Martinez

Bonnie O'Day

Meghan O'Toole

Anu Rangarajan

Debbie Reed

The Social Security Administration is funding a random assignment evaluation of six demonstration projects to improve employment and other outcomes for youth ages 14 to 25 who are either receiving disability benefits or are at high risk of receiving them in the future. This report reviews the Youth Transition Demonstration (YTD) projects, located in Buffalo, New York, including findings from a process analysis on implementation, as well as an analysis of one-year impacts on youth’s use of services, employment and earnings, income and benefits, educational attainment, and attitudes and expectations.

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