The Power of Nutrition: How It Is Working and Early Learnings

The Power of Nutrition: How It Is Working and Early Learnings

Published: Dec 30, 2017
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

The Evaluation of The Power of Nutrition

Time frame: 2016-2023

Prepared for:

Children's Investment Fund Foundation


Anu Rangarajan

Nikita Ramchandani

Heather Ingraham

The Power of Nutrition, launched in April 2015, is a partnership of investors and implementers committed to improving children’s nutrition and contributing to ending the cycle of undernutrition. It seeks to do so by raising new funds for nutrition; stimulating donor investments through co-financing; investing in ambitious programs that deliver results at scale; and raising the prioritization of nutrition among key institutions and partner countries through commitment of domestic funds.

This report aims to document The Power of Nutrition’s origin and early vision, the evolution of its model and current structure, its approach to fund-raising and investments, and the progress to date on these activities. It also discusses early perceptions of The Power of Nutrition’s achievements as well as challenges and lessons learned from The Power of Nutrition’s current model and approach. The report draws on data collected through a review of documents and rich qualitative information from interviews with key stakeholders involved with The Power of Nutrition since its inception.

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