The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound on Postsecondary Outcomes 7-9 Years After Scheduled High School Graduation

The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound on Postsecondary Outcomes 7-9 Years After Scheduled High School Graduation

Published: Jan 30, 2009
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

National Evaluation of Upward Bound

Time frame: 1991-2007

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Education


Neil S. Seftor

Arif Mamun

Allen Schirm

This last report from Mathematica’s evaluation of Upward Bound analyzes data from the final round of survey and transcript data collection as well as administrative records from the National Student Clearinghouse and the federal Student Financial Aid files. It provides the first estimates of the effects of Upward Bound on postsecondary completion. The report also updates previous estimates of the program’s effects on postsecondary enrollment and receipt of financial aid. Except for a statistically significant increase in the likelihood of earning a postsecondary certificate or license from a vocational school, the report finds no detectable effects on postsecondary outcomes, including enrollment, financial aid application or receipt, or the completion of bachelor’s or associate’s degrees. In addition to these results, the report includes the findings from extensive subgroup and sensitivity analyses. (The U.S. Department of Education is still making editorial changes to the report, and the version that is currently available from ED can be accessed at

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