The External Review of Job Corps: An Evidence Scan Report

The External Review of Job Corps: An Evidence Scan Report

Published: Mar 31, 2018
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Looking to the Future: Job Corps External Review

Time frame: 2016-2018

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Chief Evaluation Office


Lindsay Cattell

Johanna Lacoe

Myley Dang

The external review covers a broad range of topics that are relevant to the Job Corps program, including program operations and services. This report provides a high-level summary of the current research across more than 25 topics that are relevant to Job Corps today. The topics were informed by discussions with national Job Corps staff and an expert working group that was convened to brainstorm current practices that the Job Corps program might want to consider. However, this report neither provides a systematic review of the literature nor recommends which of the many programs and concepts discussed Job Corps should implement. An accompanying report, “The External Review of Job Corps: Directions for Future Research” (Lee et al. 2018), outlines high-level design options for future research on these topics.

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