The Case for Public Investment in Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Programs

The Case for Public Investment in Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Programs

Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Policy Collaborative Issue Brief
Published: Mar 01, 2016
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work Policy Collaborative—S@W/R2W

Time frame: 2013-2016

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy


Hannah Burak

Millions of hard-working Americans leave the labor force every year, at least temporarily, because of injury or illness. Without steady earnings, these workers and their families often end up in public programs such as Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, and Medicaid. The public sector could help reduce the steep costs to state and federal governments by adopting strategies to help people stay at or return to work, rather than fall through the cracks of a fragmented system.

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