Testing Case Management in a Rural Context: An Impact Analysis of the Illinois Future Steps Program

Testing Case Management in a Rural Context: An Impact Analysis of the Illinois Future Steps Program

Findings from the Rural Welfare-to-Work Strategies Demonstration Evaluation
Published: Sep 17, 2008
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research
Associated Project

Rural Welfare-to-Work Strategies Demonstration Evaluation

Time frame: 2000-2008

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families


Alicia Meckstroth

Andrew Burwick

Andrew McGuirk

Michael Ponza

Zhanyun Zhao

Justin Wheeler

This report presents 30-month impact analysis findings for the Illinois Future Steps program, an employment-focused case management program in rural, southern Illinois. By teaming the welfare agency with a regional community college, Future Steps aimed to connect people with services and employment. Future Steps had few positive impacts on employment, self-sufficiency, and well-being. Implementation challenges included limited ties with local employers and difficulty retaining and supporting qualified staff. Moreover, the program was not able to capitalize on job-training and employment resources available through its community college partner. In addition, case management may have helped clients address barriers to work and self-sufficiency, but many obstacles remained. Expanded job opportunities and infrastructure improvements may be needed to overcome persistent barriers to self-sufficiency common in depressed rural areas.

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