Ten-Year Impacts of Burkina Faso's BRIGHT Program

Ten-Year Impacts of Burkina Faso's BRIGHT Program

Published: Aug 29, 2016
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Burkina Faso: Impact Evaluation Design and Implementation for BRIGHT 1 and 2

Time frame: 2010-2015

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Mikal Davis

Nick Ingwersen

Harounan Kazianga

Leigh Linden

Arif Mamun

Ali Protik

Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • BRIGHT boosted the rates of primary school completion and enrollment in school while decreasing employment and marriage rates for young women. For girls and women ages 13 to 22, rates of primary school completion increased by 13.5 percentage points, enrollment increased by 10.3 percentage points, and youth employment and marriage rates declined by 5.5 and 6.3 percentage points, respectively.
  • BRIGHT raised enrollment rates and test scores for both girls and boys, with larger impacts on girls. Girls’ enrollment increased 5.4 percentage points more than boys’ did, and girls’ test scores increased by .08 standard deviations more.  

In this report, we present details on the evaluation design of the Burkinabe Response to Improve Girl's Chances to Succeed (BRIGHT) program and impact findings from the evaluation 10 years after the program's launch, using the 2015 household and school surveys. Although BRIGHT focused on increasing girls’ enrollment and educational attainment, this analysis examines improvements in outcomes for both boys and girls.

French version available.

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