Interim Evaluation Brief: Supporting Sustainable Land Management to Improve Hydropower Generation in Malawi

Interim Evaluation Brief: Supporting Sustainable Land Management to Improve Hydropower Generation in Malawi

Targeted practices were widely adopted in grants studied by the evaluation
Published: Apr 30, 2020
Publisher: Millennium Challenge Corporation


Associated Project


Kristen Velyvis

Arif Mamun

Thomas Coen

Key Findings

  • All five case study grants were established through commu­nity buy-in and in partnership with government agencies and local leaders.
  • Village savings and loans (VSLs) were popular and succeeded in increasing women’s economic empowerment and participa­tion in financial decision-making in households.
  • The evaluation found widespread adoption of ENRM prac­tices in sustainable agriculture and forest restoration for all five grantees, as well as participation and adoption of ENRM activities by women.
  • Grants were found to be more effective when environmental practices and gender equality activities were integrated.

Millennium Challenge Corporation commissioned Mathematica to conduct an independent interim performance evaluation of the Environmental and Natural Resources Management (ENRM) Project’s Grant Facility grants. This evaluation brief summarizes the key findings of our interim performance evaluation of the ENRM and Social and Gender Enhancement Fund (SGEF) grant activities.

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