School Choice in New York City After Two Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholarships Program (Interim Report)

School Choice in New York City After Two Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholarships Program (Interim Report)

Published: Aug 30, 2000
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

An Evaluation of New York City School Vouchers

Time frame: 1997-2002

Prepared for:

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The Spencer Foundation

The Smith Richardson Foundation

The Achelis and Bodman Foundations

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

The Donner Foundation

The Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation

The John M. Olin Foundation


David Myers

Paul E. Peterson

Daniel P. Mayer

Julia Y. Chou

William G. Howell

This new two-year study of low-income New York City students in grades 3 to 6 who received vouchers to attend private schools shows no significant difference in test scores between the scholarship group and the control group. It also finds that students performed about the same on standardized reading and mathematics tests in the two groups. The only strong and significant impact registered in reading and mathematics for African American students in grade six—the oldest of the students studied.

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