Reporting Person-Level Separate CHIP Data to MSIS: A Guide for States

Reporting Person-Level Separate CHIP Data to MSIS: A Guide for States

Published: Jun 29, 2012
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research



Matthew Hodges

Cheryl A. Camillo

Paul M. Montebello

Ashley Zlatinov

There is a growing need for separate Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) program data to examine program transitions, access to services, and quality of care, among other priorities. However, standardized person-level data for S-CHIP programs has never been available at the national level. Mathematica, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, has provided technical assistance to states to report person-level demographic, enrollment, utilization, and payment data to the Medicaid and CHIP Statistical Information System (MSIS). Seven states are now reporting complete or partial CHIP data to MSIS and additional states are expected to do so in the coming months. This guide describes for state stakeholders the steps for successfully planning and implementing CHIP data reporting. It will be supplemented by a technical specifications guide for programmers.

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