Reliability and Validity of Child Outcome Measures with Culturally and Lingusitically Diverse Preschoolers: The First 5 LA Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study Spring 2007 Pilot Study
Associated Project
First 5 LA contracted with Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (MPR) and its partners to study the implementation of a newly funded universal preschool program operating in Los Angeles County. The First 5 LA Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS) has an overall goal of learning about how children enrolled in Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) programs, including the Power of Preschool (PoP) demonstration, are faring. In this two-phase study, MPR, along with its partners (Juárez and Associates, American Institutes for Research, Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research Center, and Deanna Gomby, a senior consultant), are working with First 5 LA, its Research Advisory Committee (RAC), and LAUP to design and implement the study.
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