Regional Partnership Grants Cross-Site Evaluation: Annual Report, October 2022–September 2023

Regional Partnership Grants Cross-Site Evaluation: Annual Report, October 2022–September 2023

Published: Feb 12, 2024


Associated Project

Regional Partnership Grants National Cross-Site Evaluation

Time frame: 2012-2027

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau


Betsy Keating

Juliette Henke

Key Findings

Key milestones and major activities from October 2022 through September 2023 include:

  • Completing evaluability assessments of RPG7 local evaluation plans and onboarding RPG7 projects to the cross-site evaluation  
  • Continuing to examine child welfare and substance use treatment partnerships through site visits with RPG6 projects
  • Conducting a qualitative pilot study to incorporate participants’ voices into the cross-site evaluation
  • Administering a survey to RPG6 projects and their partners to better understand their sustainability plans 
The annual report describes the major activities and accomplishments related to the cross-site evaluation and technical assistance (TA), across three Regional Partnership Grants (RPG) cohorts, from October 2022 through September 2023. This period was the fifth and final year of Mathematica’s cross-site evaluation and evaluation TA contract for the fifth cohort (RPG5), the fourth year for the sixth cohort (RPG6), and the first year for the seventh cohort (RPG7). The report includes a brief history of the RPG cohorts and information on the RPG5, RPG6, and RPG7 projects. The report also describes the RPG cross-site evaluation, the evaluation TA and support provided to RPG projects during this period, highlights from the past year of the contract, and next steps.

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