Regional Partnership Grants Cost Study Framework: A Case Study of Seeking Safety

Regional Partnership Grants Cost Study Framework: A Case Study of Seeking Safety

Evaluation Technical Assistance Brief
Published: Sep 30, 2022
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Regional Partnership Grants National Cross-Site Evaluation

Time frame: 2012-2027

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau


Danielle DeLisle

Claire Smither Wulsin

Theresa Schulte Neelan

Genevieve Caffrey

Key Findings

The cost study included data from three grantees implementing Seeking Safety in their RPG projects. Key findings indicated:

  • The largest costs were personnel, indirect costs, and facilities.
  • Staff spent a small portion of their overall work hours on implementing Seeking Safety.
  • The total cost to implement the program was less than 1 percent of total annual expenditures for all three projects.

The evaluation technical assistance brief presents a case study of the costs of using Seeking Safety, an intervention designed to serve adolescents and adults with a history of trauma and substance use issues. Three RPG projects were included in the cost study. The brief provides an overview of the cost study framework that was used, describes key findings from applying the framework to Seeking Safety, and provides information on the benchmark costs associated with implementing this intervention.

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