Recommendations for Strengthening Iowa’s Community-Based Services System

Recommendations for Strengthening Iowa’s Community-Based Services System

Published: Jan 31, 2023
Publisher: Mathematica and The Harkin Institute
Associated Project

Hope and Opportunity in Many Environments

Time frame: 2022 – 2025

Prepared for:

Iowa Department of Human Services
Key Findings

Three key recommendations suggest Iowa HHS:

  1. Implement streamlined screening and improved processes to better align services with people’s needs
  2. Align CBS, including Medicaid HCBS waivers, to the needs of Iowans
  3. Maximize access to Medicaid HCBS and other CBS supports for people with long-term service and support needs

Underscoring Iowa’s commitment to serving its Medicaid members, HHS sought an in-depth review of available services and programs for members with long-term service and support needs. Throughout the past year, this external review vetted Iowa’s array of services and the policies and procedures Iowans must navigate to access those services. Seated at the table throughout these discussions, consumers, families, caregivers, and providers shared feedback and insights on their positive and negative experiences with the system and their recommendations about needed system reforms. This report encapsulates the strengths and weaknesses of Iowa’s CBS system and paints the roadmap for Iowa HHS in its next phase of waiver transformation.

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