Promising Findings from the Frontline Health Worker Team-Based Goals and Incentives Intervention in Bihar

Promising Findings from the Frontline Health Worker Team-Based Goals and Incentives Intervention in Bihar

Published: Feb 28, 2014
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research Center for International Policy Research and Evaluation


Associated Project

Bihar, India: Measurement Learning and Evaluation for the Family Health Initiative

Time frame: 2010-2016

Prepared for:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Dana Rotz

Anu Rangarajan

Evan Borkum Swetha Sridharan

Sukhmani Sethi

Mercy Manoranjini

Key Findings

  • The intervention increased the teamwork and coordination of frontline health workers.
  • Beneficiaries in treatment areas were more likely to receive a visit from a frontline health worker than those in control areas.
  • Home visits by frontline health workers in the treatment group appeared to be of higher quality.
  • Beneficiaries' knowledge of some maternal and child health practices, particularly related to breasfeeding, improved.

India Bihar Ananya

This issue brief explores the effect of adding the Team-Based Goals and Performance-Based Incentives intervention to the Ananya program.

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