Promises and Pitfalls of Crafting Coherence Around a District-Wide Vision for Equity-Centered Instruction

Promises and Pitfalls of Crafting Coherence Around a District-Wide Vision for Equity-Centered Instruction

Published: Nov 01, 2024
Publisher: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Associated Project

Middle School Math: Culturally Responsive Materials, Teacher Professional Learning, and Student Engagement

Time frame: 2019 – 2024

Prepared for:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Meghan Comstock

Ditra Backup

Ethan P. Smith

Laura M. Desimone

Key Findings

Through this study, we find that in only one district did district and school leaders describe a shared vision, bolstered by consistent messaging. Across the four districts, the critical elements of equitable mathematics (e.g., cultural identity, power) received substantially less attention in instructional visions and district supports and structures than dominant elements (e.g., ambitious mathematics, achievement).
Although ample scholarship has examined the coherence of district-level instructional systems, the literature pays limited attention to crafting coherence around district visions for equitable instruction. In this multiple case study, we use interviews, documents, and observations to examine four districts’ efforts to craft coherence around a shared vision for equitable mathematics. We document the promises and pitfalls to crafting coherence around a shared vision for equitable instruction.

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