PROMISE Recruitment, Enrollment, and Random Assignment Procedures Manual

PROMISE Recruitment, Enrollment, and Random Assignment Procedures Manual

Published: Apr 09, 2014
Publisher: Washington, DC: Center for Studying Disability Policy



The Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE) demonstration and evaluation is a joint initiative of the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Labor and the Social Security Administration (SSA). The goals of PROMISE are to improve the provision and coordination of services and supports for youth Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients and their families. Ultimately, PROMISE aims to improve educational attainment, employment, and other outcomes for SSI youth and their families.

SSA has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research (Mathematica) to conduct an evaluation of the six PROMISE demonstration programs. Mathematica has subcontracted with BCT Partners to assist with the evaluation. This research procedures manual, produced by the Mathematica team, describes the procedures that will be used by the staff of the demonstration programs to implement the evaluation in their local areas.

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