Profile of Children Entering Los Angeles Universal Preschool LAUP, Fall 2007

Profile of Children Entering Los Angeles Universal Preschool LAUP, Fall 2007

Published: Apr 30, 2009
Publisher: Los Angeles, CA: First 5 LA


Associated Project

Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS)

Time frame:

Prepared for:

First 5 LA


Michael López

John Love

Cheri Vogel

Sally Atkins-Burnett

Susan Sprachman

Margaret Caspe

Kathy Sonnenfeld

Kim Hall

Jessica Brauner

Susan Cooper

This research brief prepared by First 5 LA provides a snapshot of the children and families participating in the LAUP center-based preschool programs, with information about their ethnicity, primary language, household income, children’s literacy and math skills, family composition, and parent’s country of origin and employment. Mathematica collected the data as part of the First 5 LA/LAUP Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS). A full report on the preschool study will be available in the near future.

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