Pathways to Careers Employer Case Study: Futura Industries

Pathways to Careers Employer Case Study: Futura Industries

Published: Apr 30, 2017
Publisher: Cambridge, MA: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Evaluation of the Pathways to Careers Program

Time frame: 2009-2021

Prepared for:


The Pathways to Careers (Pathways) program helps people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and people with a primary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder obtain competitive integrated employment aligned with their skills, interests, strengths, and abilities. The Pathways service model is reliant on partnerships with employer organizations in the private, nonprofit, and public sectors that represent a range of career areas and will host interns and ultimately employ participants, if the internship is successful. To achieve permanent employment, employer partners must offer participants job training; ongoing employment supports, including natural supports provided by co-workers in the workplace; and a work environment that meets participants’ conditions for success.

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