Partnering to Reduce Substance Use and Child Maltreatment: 2014 Regional Partnership Grants Final Report
Key Findings
- Close relationships with child welfare helped the RPG3 projects succeed.
- RPG projects must be proactive and persistent in addressing enrollment and retention challenges.
- Evaluation measures need to be interpreted in context.
- RPG projects should carefully balance their program and evaluation goals.
To improve collaboration across child welfare, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, and other service systems, Congress has, since 2006, authorized the Children’s Bureau (CB) in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to fund discretionary grants to partnerships working with families that included adults with diagnosed or potential substance use disorders and children at risk of maltreatment. CB first awarded these Regional Partnership Grants (RPGs) in 2007. RPG allows each local partnership to determine the best ways to meet the needs of the families it focuses on by selecting and implementing programs and services to meet these needs. Partnerships evaluate their own local programs and also participate in a national cross-site evaluation. This report is the final cross-site evaluation report for the third cohort of RPG grantees, referred to as RPG3, which CB funded in 2014. The report summarizes findings that describe the caseloads, partnerships, planned services, implementation experiences, and family outcomes for each of the four RPG3 projects.
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