New Entrepreneurial Learning Phase I Evaluation

New Entrepreneurial Learning Phase I Evaluation

Published: Jan 31, 2019
Publisher: Chicago, IL: Mathematica Policy Research



Mikia Manley

Margaret Sullivan

Karina Edouard

Eric Brower

Hanzhi Zhou

Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • 89% of participants said the program helped their business and the cumulative net promoter score for the year was +58.
  • 99% of affiliates will continue to offer a FastTrac course in the future.
  • 79% of presenters and 78% of attendees said the 1MC program helped their business.
  • Attendees, presenters, and organizers scored the 1MC program highly in terms of supportiveness (4.7), diversity (4.6), and inclusiveness (4.7) on a 5-point scale.
This report is the first annual report for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation's evaluation of the New Entrepreneurial Learning initiative, which currently encompasses the FastTrac and 1 Million Cups (1MC) programs. The programs employ different methodologies, but each possesses the same objective: to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. FastTrac is a course, taught primarily by program affiliates, that seeks to train entrepreneurs in the foundational concepts of business development. 1MC is a free, educational event where entrepreneurs receive resources and training to pitch their business idea and garner feedback on that idea over coffee. This report provides findings on program performance based on surveys, interviews, and administrative data.

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