Measuring Ambitious and Inclusive Mathematics Instruction

Measuring Ambitious and Inclusive Mathematics Instruction

Preliminary evidence of validity and reliability of a classroom observation tool
Published: Dec 30, 2024
Publisher: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Key Findings

  • The AIM classroom observation tool is a promising measure of cognitively-demanding, standards-based mathematics instruction that is culturally responsive, linguistically responsive, and equitable
  • Preliminary estimates indicate the tool is reliable and valid for use by large-scale studies across multiple contexts (such as curricula, districts, schools, and classrooms)
  • We found that employing ambitious and inclusive practices is positively associated with non-academic student outcomes such as math enjoyment, engagement, math achievement identity, self-efficacy, and growth mindset
To explore the nature and role of ambitious and inclusive instruction in fostering positive student experiences, we conducted observations of middle school mathematics classrooms—that predominantly serve Black students, Latino students, or students experiencing poverty—in four urban school districts over the course of two consecutive school years following COVID-related school closures. We investigated the extent to which and how ambitious and inclusive practices foster positive student experiences in middle school math classrooms. This paper introduces and explores the validity and reliability of the Ambitious and Inclusive Mathematics (AIM) classroom observation tool that Mathematica developed to help us identify pedagogical approaches that foster positive student experiences in math.

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