Measure Twice, Cut Once, Part 1: Using the RSA-911 Case Service Report to Monitor Pre-Employment Transition Services

Measure Twice, Cut Once, Part 1: Using the RSA-911 Case Service Report to Monitor Pre-Employment Transition Services

Published: Jan 31, 2019
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research



Todd Honeycutt

Key Findings

  • Convenience is the main advantage of using the RSA-911 Case Service Report to measure pre-employment transition services. But the RSA-911 Case Service Report does have some disadvantages that limit the types of analyses that could be done, including fewer details on services, limited information on service timing, and no data elements for VR office, counselor, or supervisor.
  • Steps to prepare the RSA-911 Case Service Report files might include limiting the records to the population of interest, keeping only necessary data elements, creating indicators for certain types of youth and for pre-employment transition services, and adding other data elements needed for the analysis.
  • Examples of analyses involving pre-employment transition services that are featured in the brief include: (1) showing a VR agency’s youth caseload by the types of services that the youth received; (2) tracking the various types of pre-employment transition services provided to students; and (3) examining the receipt of pre-employment transition services across a single student characteristic (race).

This brief presents approaches to analyzing one source of administrative data—the RSA-911 Case Service Report—for the purpose of assessing the provision of pre-employment transition services. These services are intended to prepare students with disabilities for life after school, but they represent a major change in how VR agencies operate. Given this increased emphasis on pre-employment transition services, staff at VR agencies might be wondering how best to measure these services. In this research brief, we present considerations for using the RSA-911 Case Service Report to assess the provision of pre-employment transition services.

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