Mathematica's State Medicaid Consulting and Advisory Services

Mathematica's State Medicaid Consulting and Advisory Services

Published: Nov 07, 2019
Publisher: Woodlawn, MD: Mathematica



Clint Eisenhower

This fact sheet details Mathematica’s state Medicaid consulting and advisory services. We understand the state Medicaid landscape and provide experienced consulting and advisory services that advance your agency’s mission and look out for your best interests. From strategic planning, policy development, and program creation, to program implementation, administration, and operational activities, Mathematica is here to help.

Examples of our work with states include the following:

  • We have worked in all 50 states to help them improve the quality of their Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) data submissions, Core Set measures, and performance indicator data.
  • Our policy and programmatic assistance includes helping states design their 1115 demonstration evaluations.
  • To help states combat the opioid epidemic, we are supporting the implementation of the Maternal Opioid Misuse model and supported the development of the T-MSIS Substance Use Disorder Data Book.

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