Maternal Health Care Quality Improvement in Rajasthan, India

Maternal Health Care Quality Improvement in Rajasthan, India

A Series of Insights from a Development Impact Bond Verification Agent
Published: Dec 16, 2021
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Independent Assessor for the Utkrisht Development Impact Bond in India

Time frame: 2017-2021

Prepared for:

MSD for Mothers


So O'Neil

Matthew Spitzer

Shveta Kalyanwala

Dana Rotz

Key Findings

  • At the end of the DIB, modeling using the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) predicts that facilities meeting DIB quality standards will avert an estimated 13,449 maternal and neonatal deaths across 405 private healthcare facilities in Rajasthan by 2023.
  • With an estimated cost of $21,800 per private facility needed to improve quality, further studies on potential returns could provide more insights into whether a case could be made to implement and sustain related quality improvement efforts.
  • The Utkrisht DIB has demonstrated that broader context changes and learning related to partner needs can spur innovation in the approach to verification and clarify thinking around whether and how verification processes can answer broader questions about the DIB’s contribution to social change.

Overall, participation in the Utkrisht DIB led to quality improvements in private facilities in Rajasthan, India. Although no evaluation was conducted to assess the DIB’s direct impact, the LiST, which leverages the latest evidence linking health care practices to mortality rates and maternal health outcomes, predicts that the gains in quality for participating facilities achieved as a result of meeting the quality standards will lead to fewer maternal and neonatal deaths. With an estimated cost of $21,800 per private facility needed to improve quality, further studies on potential returns could provide more insights into whether a case could be made to implement and sustain related quality improvement efforts.

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