Los Angeles Universal Preschool Programs, Children Served, and Children's Progress in the Preschool Year: Final Report of the First 5 LA Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study

Los Angeles Universal Preschool Programs, Children Served, and Children's Progress in the Preschool Year: Final Report of the First 5 LA Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study

Published: Jun 24, 2009
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS)

Time frame:

Prepared for:

First 5 LA


John M. Love

Sally Atkins-Burnett

Cheri Vogel

Maricar Mabutas

Emily Sama Martin

Margaret Caspe

Susan Sprachman

Kathy Sonnenfeld

In 1998, California voters passed Proposition 10, the citizen initiative that levied a tax on tobacco products and earmarked the revenues to advance child and family development, health, education, and safety from pregnancy until children enter kindergarten. Funds flow from the state treasury to the California Children and Families Commission, known as First 5 California, and to the 58 county commissions. The largest of these, First 5 LA, has as its mission "to make significant and measurable progress towards our vision by increasing the number of children from the prenatal stage through age 5 who are physically and emotionally healthy, safe, and ready to learn" (First 5 LA 2008).

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