Liberia Energy Project: Findings from the Final Evaluation of the Pipeline Sub-Activity

Liberia Energy Project: Findings from the Final Evaluation of the Pipeline Sub-Activity

Published: Feb 15, 2024



Poonam Ravindranath

Paolo Abarcar

Matt Spitzer

Cullen Seaton

Candace Miller

Key Findings

  • The pipeline was successfully completed and has been transmitting raw water from the Mt. Coffee Hydropower Plant to the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation’s (LWSC) water treatment plant since December 2020.
  • Overall, the pipeline did not improve the quantity or quality of the treated water supply.
  • LWSC staff reported reduced electricity use and costs given the gravity-fed design replaced an expensive system that pumped the water.
  • LWSC is not conducting pipeline maintenance, risking long-term sustainability. LWSC staff said there was a shortage of spare parts and insufficient management support for maintenance.
MCC’s $238 million Liberia Compact (2016-2021) funded the $18 million Water Pipeline Sub-Activity, which was part of the Energy Project, to construct a raw water transmission pipeline to upgrade and replace the pre-war pipeline infrastructure.  The sub-activity was based on the theory that the pipeline’s larger capacity, upstream inlet location, and gravity-fed design would increase the supply of raw water, protect against salt-water intrusion, and reduce electricity costs for the water utility. This would help meet the growing demand for water in Monrovia and improve the quality and consistency of water supplied to the utility’s service areas. Mathematica conducted a performance evaluation to assess project implementation and outcomes. In this report, Mathematica researchers present the final results of the evaluation, drawing on program documentation, news articles and relevant literature, and 18 key informant interviews.

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