Job Corps External Review: Highlights from an Evidence Scan of Promising Practices for Serving Disconnected Youth

Job Corps External Review: Highlights from an Evidence Scan of Promising Practices for Serving Disconnected Youth

Published: Mar 31, 2018
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Looking to the Future: Job Corps External Review

Time frame: 2016-2018

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Chief Evaluation Office


Lindsay Cattell

Johanna Lacoe

Myley Dang

As economic conditions change and the research literature evolves, there is a need to assess current best practices for serving today’s youth and consider how they could inform the Job Corps program. The Chief Evaluation Office in the Department of Labor (DOL) contracted with Mathematica Policy Research and its subcontractor, Decision Information Resources, Inc., to conduct an external review of Job Corps in order to: (1) document what is known about Job Corps and other similar programs, (2) identify promising evidence-based practices that Job Corps might consider for the future, and (3) present options for future research and evaluation.

This document highlights practices for delivering services to disconnected youth, as identified in the literature scan and described in the study’s Evidence Scan report.

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