Integrated Care Initiative Demonstration in Rhode Island: Beneficiary Experience Research

Integrated Care Initiative Demonstration in Rhode Island: Beneficiary Experience Research

Published: Oct 31, 2022
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Research Regarding the Experience of Health Care and Other Services for Individuals Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

Time frame: 2021-2026

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare - Medicaid Coordination Office


Rosette Nguyen

Asta Sorenson

Alia Bayatti

Key Findings

  • Care Coordination: Based on the level of care coordination reported by interviewees, research participants were categorized into two groups: 15 who spoke to MMP care coordinators at least quarterly (the “more connected” group), and 11 with little to no contact with MMP care coordinators (the “less connected” group).
    • More connected individuals reported that they were generally satisfied with care coordination services. They reported that care coordinators arranged for home modifications, recommended home health services, provided lists of providers and community services, and offered advice and encouragement.
    • Less connected individuals reported variable experiences. Although about half reported no unmet care coordination needs, the others expressed a need for additional support including: more follow-up after a serious health event, assistance with identifying services required to meet health goals, and additional information about services available through the MMP.
  • Access: Both the more and less connected groups reported generally being able to access needed medical services, and almost all those who reported behavioral health service use noted sufficient access to those services. However, some participants reported issues with identifying available medical specialists in their community.
  • Challenges: Both more and less connected beneficiaries reported reliability issues with non-emergency medical transportation services. A few reported that food remains unaffordable though the MMP provides a monthly $25 healthy food card, and some reported using local food pantries.
  • Several participants reported challenges with accessing home health aide services because of staffing shortages, due in part to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Many reported increased telehealth visits during the PHE, although a few preferred in-person appointments. None reported problems when using telehealth technology platforms.

This is a summary of research results about beneficiaries’ experiences with care coordination and access to health care services, home- and community-based services, and social services in the Integrated Care Initiative demonstration in Rhode Island. The results are based on our interviews with beneficiaries who are dually eligible for full Medicare and Medicaid benefits from February to April 2022.

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