The Power of Nutrition: Indicators for Key Nutrition Interventions

The Power of Nutrition: Indicators for Key Nutrition Interventions

Published: May 30, 2017
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

The Evaluation of The Power of Nutrition

Time frame: 2016-2023

Prepared for:

Children's Investment Fund Foundation


Anu Rangarajan

Nikita Ramchandani

The Power of Nutrition seeks to invest in evidence-based nutrition interventions in 5 to 10 high priority countries. Mathematica is conducting an external global evaluation of The Power of Nutrition. To harmonize measurement and data collection across the countries in which The Power of Nutrition is making investments, allow for aggregation of data across investments, and inform modelling of impacts with the Lives Saved Tool (LiST), Mathematica developed a list of key indicators for the 11 interventions prioritized by The Power of Nutrition.

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