Impacts of New Leaders on Student Achievement in Oakland

Impacts of New Leaders on Student Achievement in Oakland

Published: May 19, 2014
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research



Kevin Booker

Jaime Thomas

Key Findings

The results of our student-level analysis show greater growth in achievement in both math and ELA for students with New Leaders-trained principals, compared to other students in OUSD, with effect sizes of 0.06 in ELA and 0.16 in math.

This report describes the examination of impacts of principals trained by New Leaders on student achievement in Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). Founded in 2000, New Leaders has trained more than 1000 school leaders who are raising student achievement and graduation rates in high-need schools across the country. The New Leaders’ selection process is highly competitive, with substantial outreach to identify high quality applicants. New Leaders supports aspiring principals through a structured residency program and ongoing training and support after they assume leadership positions in schools. The New Leaders’ mission is to ensure high achievement for all children, especially children of color growing up in poverty. This report finds positive and statistically significant effects of attending a New Leaders-led school in OUSD on student achievement.

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