Impact Evaluation of Burkina Faso's BRIGHT Program

Impact Evaluation of Burkina Faso's BRIGHT Program

Published: Jun 12, 2009
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Burkina Faso: Impact Evaluation Design and Implementation for BRIGHT 1 and 2

Time frame: 2010-2015

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Dan Levy

Leigh Linden

Harounan Kazianga

The BRIGHT program was designed to improve the educational outcomes of children in Burkina Faso. It focused on girls in particular and was implemented in 132 rural villages throughout the 10 provinces in the country where girls’ school enrollment rates were lowest. The program constructed 132 primary schools with separate latrines for boys and girls and developed a set of interventions to increase girls’ enrollment rates, including daily meals, take-home rations, and school kits and textbooks. BRIGHT had a positive impact on school enrollment of about 20 percentage points. It also had positive impacts on math and French test scores. Impacts were positive for both boys and girls.

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