How Community Care Hubs Can Work with Health Departments to Get Further Faster

How Community Care Hubs Can Work with Health Departments to Get Further Faster

Published: Jul 31, 2024
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Improving Social Determinants of Health—Getting Further Faster: Training, Technical Assistance, and Community of Practice

Time frame: 2021-2024

Prepared for:

National Association of County and City Health Officials

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials


NACCHO_logo ASTHO logo


Shuva Dawadi

Multisector community coalitions and partnerships are increasingly creating and taking part in community care hubs to better address social determinants of health (SDOH) to advance health equity and reduce chronic disease. SDOH such as housing, access to healthy foods, transportation, income, and education are strong predictors of health outcomes and a major driver of health disparities. This issue brief describes the benefits of taking part in hubs, how state and local health departments can partner with hubs to address SDOH, and recommendations for hubs partnering with health departments.

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