HHS/ASPE Webinar Series: Developing and Using Learning Agenda Approach to Evidence-building (Webinar 2 Video: USDA, FAS)

HHS/ASPE Webinar Series: Developing and Using Learning Agenda Approach to Evidence-building (Webinar 2 Video: USDA, FAS)

Published: Jul 23, 2019
Publisher: Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation


Associated Project

Webinar Series and Summary Report on Developing and Using Evidence-Building and Evaluation Plans for Improved Decision-Making

Time frame: 2019

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation


Eleanor Morefield

Amanda Cash

Jessica McNab

On July 23, 2019, Eleanor “Ellie” Morefield from the Monitoring and Evaluation Staff team, in the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agriculture Service, Office of Capacity Building and Development, presented on the agency’s approach to create and implement evidence-building and an evaluation plan, as required by the Evidence Act. Ellie detailed the anatomy of the agency’s learning agenda processes, current stage of implementation for rolling out the learning agendas, expected impact of the learning agendas, next steps in the process, and lessons learned to share with other federal agency staff and those who may be implementing evaluation planning efforts.

USDA Food for Progress Learning Agenda

USDA McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program Learning Agenda

View the slides and transcript from the July 23 webinar.

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