Guide to Co-Interpreting Data with Community Collaborators

Guide to Co-Interpreting Data with Community Collaborators

Published: Mar 29, 2023
Publisher: Mathematica


Associated Project

Evaluating the Development of Middle Years Math Teaching and Learning Solutions

Time frame: 2018 - 2023

Prepared for:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

This resource is intended to guide an organization’s approach to data interpretation, with the goal of interpreting study data collaboratively with members of the community or communities where research is taking place. This collaborative interpretation, or co-interpretation, can make an evaluation more equitable by disrupting dynamics that otherwise prevent community members from exercising agency over research about their communities. Ideally, collaboration with community members to co-interpret study data is just one aspect of an ongoing relationship with community members. In an equitable evaluation, collaborators should have opportunities to influence the study’s learning objectives and methods, the data that get collected, and the ways in which findings are shared, in addition to co-interpreting study data.

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