Exploring Reemployment Strategies for Army Veterans: Implementation of State Pilots

Exploring Reemployment Strategies for Army Veterans: Implementation of State Pilots

Published: May 31, 2016
Publisher: Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

Helping Veterans Search for Work: Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers' Claimants Evaluation

Time frame: 2012-2015

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration


Stephanie Boraas

In this report, Mathematica used qualitative methods to address research questions related to implementation, identify factors that shaped states’ implementation experiences, and draw lessons that the grantee states and others can use to inform future approaches. The report describes each state’s UI and workforce program operations, contextual factors that influence those operations, data-collection and data-sharing practices, services and outreach to UCX claimants and other veterans, and partnerships and procedures developed in implementing grant activities. We also detail challenges that states encountered during implementation and the methods they used to overcome those challenges to convey lessons learned and promising practices. The main body of this report contains a cross-state analysis capturing both the diversity of efforts and outputs and common experiences across states. Appendices document in detail each state’s activities and experiences.

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