Ewing Marion Kauffman School Year 10 and 11 Impacts


Associated Project

Ewing Marion Kauffman Charter School Evaluation

Time frame: 2011-2024

Prepared for:

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation


Jessica Drescher

Key Findings

  • The Kauffman School had a positive and statistically significant impact on enrollment in four-year colleges. This impact was large enough to close over 80 percent of the gap in enrollment rates in four-year colleges for Black high school seniors in Missouri.
  • The Kauffman School produced substantial positive impacts on student achievement growth in mathematics, English language arts, and science each year through the 2021-22 school year, with one exception. During the 2020-21 school year, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, achievement growth among Kauffman School students was similar to that of comparison students in Kansas City.
  • During the 2021-22 school year, the Kauffman School had a positive impact on student attendance rates, increasing attendance rates by approximately 1 percentage point. However, students at the Kauffman School were 12 percentage points more likely than comparison students to receive at least one suspension.
The Ewing Marion Kauffman School is a public, tuition-free charter school serving students in Kansas City, Missouri. In the 2021-22 school year, the school enrolled 1,089 students in grades 5 through 12. Most (82 percent) of the students were from low-income households, and 91 percent were Black or Hispanic. This report evaluates the impact of the Kauffman School on college enrollment and high school graduation, achievement, attendance, and suspensions during its first 11 years of operation.

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