Evaluation Options for the Papers Developed Under the SSI Youth Solutions Project

Evaluation Options for the Papers Developed Under the SSI Youth Solutions Project

Published: Nov 22, 2021
Publisher: Mathematica
Associated Project

SSI Youth Solutions

Time frame: 2019 - 2021

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Labor

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy


Todd Honeycutt

Andrew Langan

Key Findings
  • This report offers specific plans for evaluating the interventions proposed in each of the 12 papers developed for the SSI Youth Solutions project. It serves as a guide for those who implement the interventions proposed in the papers.
  • We use a common framework to describe the evaluation option we recommend for each intervention. The framework is intended to describe key elements of a demonstration and evaluation, including the features of the intervention, a rationale for evaluating it, an appropriate evaluation design, and possible refinements or other considerations in implementing and evaluating the proposed interventions.
  • Because the interventions vary in their complexity and levels of evidence demonstrating their effectiveness, we recommend different evaluation approaches across the interventions. Some interventions would require initial piloting to understand how they should be implemented and whether the proposed activities lead to the intended outcomes. Others have more evidence of effectiveness but would benefit from a rigorous test of their impacts.

The Office of Disability and Employment Policy (ODEP) of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) initiated the SSI Youth Solutions project in 2019 to generate testable ideas for improving outcomes among youth receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). ODEP supported the development of 12 papers. This report presents options for evaluating the interventions proposed by each paper, should they be implemented. We recommend evaluation options that policymakers and other stakeholders could consider when adapting and testing any of the ideas from the SSI Youth Solutions project. Each option describes the proposal and its associated demonstration, the evaluation design and rationale, evaluation details such as the sample and research questions, and other considerations. Throughout, we present ideal options to build evidence that, with demonstrated effectiveness of the proposal, could lead to broader implementation.

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