Evaluation of the Formal Technical Education Sub-Activity of the Human Development Project, El Salvador

Evaluation of the Formal Technical Education Sub-Activity of the Human Development Project, El Salvador

Published: Jun 16, 2016
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research


Associated Project

El Salvador: Impact Evaluation of Education, Training, and Productive Development

Time frame: 2007-2013

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Virginia Poggio

Seth Morgan

Michael Brannan

Key Findings

Key Findings:

  • We find that strengthening of secondary schools and scholarships had a positive effect on enrollment especially in technical programs, but we found no effect in dropout or repetition.
  • We find positive impacts on enrollment on post-secondary education, but no impacts on employment or income.
  • Scholarships had a positive effect on enrollment and completion of secondary education for boys but not for girls.
In this report, we present the final results of the evaluations of three interventions funded under the Formal Technical Education Sub-Activity of the first Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)-El Salvador compact. These interventions were: (1) an intervention to strengthen secondary schools, (2) a secondary school scholarship program, and (3) an intervention to strengthen a technical post-secondary school—the Chalatenango Technical Institute (known as ITCHA for its initials in Spanish). The impact evaluation of the secondary school strengthening program employed a quasi-experimental design; the evaluation of the secondary school scholarship program employed an experimental design; and the evaluation of the ITCHA intervention employed a mixed-methods performance evaluation design.

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