Evaluation of the Burkina Faso Agriculture Development Project: Interim Report

Evaluation of the Burkina Faso Agriculture Development Project: Interim Report

Published: Jul 02, 2019
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica


Associated Project

Burkina Faso: Evaluation of the Agriculture Development Project

Time frame: 2016-2021

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation


Christopher Ksoll

Seth Morgan

Caroline Lauver

Yiriyibin Bambio

Key Findings

  • Stakeholders considered the new irrigation infrastructure of the Di perimeter to be high quality and considered the technical assistance to farmers and water user committees to be relevant and useful.
  • Agricultural production three years after the construction of the Di perimeter was substantially higher than pre-perimeter levels but did not meet project targets.
  • Low rates of application of organic fertilizer might lead to decreased soil fertility, and declining payment of water user fees in sectors with rice plots raises doubts about the Di perimeter’s financial sustainability.

Mathematica is evaluating the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) Agricultural Development Project in Burkina Faso to understand the project’s effects on improved agricultural outcomes and land tenure security. The project included (1) the construction of an irrigated perimeter, known as the Di perimeter; (2) support for water management through technical assistance for integrated water resource management institutions and support for local water user associations to improve management of irrigation perimeters; (3) training of farmers, livestock holders, and other actors in the agriculture and livestock value chains; and (4) the rehabilitation of markets and the development of a market information system to collect and disseminate agricultural prices via mobile phones. This interim report provides results from Mathematica’s mixed-methods interim analysis that relies on quantitative and qualitative data collected between January and April 2019.

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