Evaluation Design for the Côte d’Ivoire Secondary Education Activity

Evaluation Design for the Côte d’Ivoire Secondary Education Activity

Published: Sep 27, 2023
Publisher: Millennium Challenge Corporation

Full Publication (English)

Associated Project

Côte d’Ivoire: Secondary Education Activity for Employability and Production Project

Time frame: 2019 – 2026

Prepared for:

Millennium Challenge Corporation

Key Findings

  • The study’s evaluation design uses a mixed-methods approach to assess the effects of the Côte d’Ivoire Secondary Education Activity using an interrupted time series (ITS) impact evaluation of the teacher training sub-activity and a  performance evaluation of all four sub-activities (related to school construction, pre-service teacher training, policy changes to promote gender equality in lower secondary education, and developing an education management information system and conducting student assessments).
  • The impact evaluation of the teacher training sub-activity uses an ITS analysis to assess the impact of the sub-activity on the number of teachers enrolling and graduating from the teacher training academy, number of teachers employed, number of unfilled teaching posts, and student enrollment, promotion, transition, and dropout using administrative data.
  • The performance evaluation draws on administrative data; surveys with teachers, students, and school directors; student assessments in French, math, and soft skills; in-depth key informant interviews; focus group discussions; and a desk review of program documents to understand the implementation process and describe outcomes, trends, and contributions related to all four sub-activities.
  • The evaluation will be carried out between 2023 and 2030, with a baseline report anticipated in late 2025 and an endline report in late 2030.
MCC has contracted with Mathematica to conduct an independent evaluation of the Côte d’Ivoire Secondary Education Activity. The evaluation design uses a mixed-methods approach comprised of a performance evaluation to assess the effects of all four subactivities, as well as an impact evaluation of the Teacher Training subactivity. To evaluate the Equitable Access sub-activity, the performance evaluation includes an outcomes analysis to measure students’ education attainment (including enrollment, promotion, transition, dropout, and learning)  using administrative data and student assessments as well as qualitative research to measures the perceived effects on community perceptions and school-level outcomes using student surveys and interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) with a variety of respondents.

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