Designing Services for Youth and Young Adults At-Risk of Homelessness: Initial and Ongoing Implementation of YARH Grantees’ Comprehensive Service Models

Designing Services for Youth and Young Adults At-Risk of Homelessness: Initial and Ongoing Implementation of YARH Grantees’ Comprehensive Service Models

Published: Sep 30, 2021
Publisher: OPRE Report #2021-198. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Associated Project

Building Program Capacity to Support Youth at Risk of Homelessness (YARH): Phases I-III

Time frame: Phase I: 2013-2015 Phase II: 2015-2019 Phase III: 2019-2022

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation



Key Findings

  • Committed leaders facilitated initial implementation by engaging stakeholders at all levels and identifying solutions for emerging problems.
  • Grantees with established partnerships implemented their comprehensive service models quickly because partners were already engaged and committed to the success of the model.
  • Service providers faced challenges hiring qualified youth practitioners.
  • Ongoing training supported youth practitioners and facilitated implementation.
  • Grant activities facilitated communication among grantees and their partners, helping them achieve a shared vision of the comprehensive service model.

This brief is part of a series that summarizes high-level themes from a process study of grantees’ activities and accomplishments during the implementation grant period (2015-2019) of six grantees’ comprehensive service models. This brief summarizes preparation activities that facilitated implementation of comprehensive service models and challenges YARH grantees faced during implantation. Additional details are available in the full process study report.

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