Design for a Study of Los Angeles Universal Preschool's Quality Support Coaching Model

Design for a Study of Los Angeles Universal Preschool's Quality Support Coaching Model

Published: Oct 06, 2011
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research

Associated Project

Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS)

Time frame:

Prepared for:

First 5 LA


Susan Sprachman

Sally Atkins-Burnett

Pamela Winston

Elisha Smith

In this report we present our proposed design and analysis plan for a study of Quality Support Coaching in Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) programs, to be implemented during phase 5 of the Universal Preschool Child Outcomes Study (UPCOS-5). The purpose of the study is to provide formative feedback to LAUP that can inform its efforts to enhance quality in the preschool programs in its network. In Section 1 we describe the LAUP Quality Support Coaching model and outline the primary goals of the study. We also include a preliminary logic model that we have developed and used to inform the study design. Our description of the LAUP coaching model and the preliminary logic model are based on interviews with key LAUP staff and a review of materials provided by LAUP on the coaching model. In Section 2 we summarize the overarching findings from the pilot study of Quality Support Coaching completed during UPCOS-4 (from January to June of 2011). In Section 3 we present the specific research questions we expect to address during the UPCOS-5 formative coaching study. The research questions are informed by both the findings of the pilot study and feedback from LAUP leadership and coaching staff on what they hope to learn. Finally, in Section 4 we describe the purpose and content of the activities planned for the formative study including the approach to data analysis. Appendices A and B include data collection instruments developed for the Study of Quality Support Coaching.

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