Data Tables for FACES 2009 Report: Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Children's Progress During Head Start

Data Tables for FACES 2009 Report: Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Children's Progress During Head Start

Published: Jun 30, 2013
Publisher: Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research



Jerry West

Serge Lukashanets

This set of tables describes the developmental outcomes and family backgrounds for children who entered Head Start for the first time in fall 2009 and completed one or two years of the program before entering kindergarten. It is designed to accompany the report Getting Ready for Kindergarten: Children’s Progress During Head Start (Aikens et al. 2013), which is the third in a series of reports describing data from the 2009 cohort of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (FACES 2009). Previous FACES 2009 reports and data tables described the characteristics of children and their families and programs as they entered Head Start in fall 2009 (Aikens et al. 2011; Hulsey et al. 2011) and, in spring 2010, at the end of one year in the program (Aikens et al. 2012; Moiduddin et al. 2012). This set of tables and accompanying report focus on the population of children who entered Head Start for the first time in fall 2009 and completed one or two years of the program before entering kindergarten. We include a set of tables focusing on household/family characteristics as children entered the program in fall 2009, and a separate set focused on characteristics as children exited Head Start. The table set also provides information about child cognitive, social-emotional, and health outcomes, including description of children’s outcomes as they completed the program and progress in outcomes between Head Start entry and exit.

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