Cross-State Analysis of Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder Demonstration Monitoring Data

Cross-State Analysis of Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder Demonstration Monitoring Data

Published: Sep 30, 2022


Associated Project

Supporting CMS Oversight of Medicaid 1115 Demonstrations

Time frame: 2019-2030

Prepared for:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services



The purpose of this cross-state analysis is to support the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in monitoring the progress of Medicaid section 1115 substance use disorder (SUD) demonstrations. It presents analyses of state-submitted monitoring data to describe progress toward key SUD demonstration goals and milestones, as well as other reporting topics that CMS has identified as important for monitoring. To support CMS in advancing health equity in the Medicaid program, this cross-state analysis analyzes disparities in demonstration effects for subgroups included in the state-reported monitoring data.

This cross-state analysis analyzes qualitative data from 32 states and standardized monitoring metric data, from 26 states. Qualitative data are from monitoring reports received from December 2, 2021, through June 1, 2022.

We conducted two types of quantitative analyses:

  1. To analyze the effect of the demonstrations on monthly metrics, we estimated linear regressions, controlling for state, seasonality, and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  2. To assess whether differences between years for annual metrics were likely to be attributable to normal variation, we conducted z-tests and indicated whether the differences are statistically significant.

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